A Teacher
In this intense drama, the story revolves around a high school teacher, played by Lindsay Burdge, who becomes embroiled in an illicit affair with one of her students, portrayed by Will Brittain. The film delves into the complexities and consequences of their relationship, exploring themes of power, obsession, and the blurred lines of morality. Directed by Hannah Fidell, the movie offers a raw and intimate look at the unraveling of personal and professional boundaries. While it did not receive major awards, it has been noted for its compelling performances and atmospheric storytelling. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Hannah Fidell
Actors: Chris Doubek, Hannah Dannelly, Jennifer Prediger, Jonny Mars, Julie Dell Phillips, Lindsay Burdge, Michael J. Wilson, Will Brittain
Country: United States of America
Worldwide Gross: $8,348