Liv and Maddie
The series follows the adventures of identical twins Liv and Maddie. Liv, once a television star in Wisconsin, is now transitioning into a film career while also pursuing her passion for music. Meanwhile, Maddie is a brilliant student and a basketball prodigy who is on the mend from a knee injury. Despite their contrasting personalities, the twins share an unshakeable bond. Adding to the complexity of their teenage years, their parents are employed at their high school, and their younger brothers are constantly causing mischief.
Views: 11
Director: John D. Beck, Ron Hart
Studio: It's a Laugh Productions
Creators: John D. Beck, Ron Hart
TV Status: Ended
24minRelease: 2013
IMDb: 6.4
TMDb: 8.1
Country: United States of America
Networks: Disney Channel
Starring: Dove Cameron, Emmy Buckner, Joey Bragg, Kali Rocha, Lauren Lindsey Donzis, Shelby Wulfert, Tenzing Norgay Trainor