Journey Back To Christmas
In this heartwarming holiday film directed by Mel Damski, a nurse from the 1940s finds herself transported to the present day after a mysterious event. As she navigates the unfamiliar modern world, she discovers the true meaning of Christmas and the importance of family and community. Starring Candace Cameron Bure, the movie blends elements of time travel with festive cheer, creating a unique narrative that appeals to fans of both genres. While it hasn’t received any major awards, its charming storyline and performances have made it a seasonal favorite. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Family, Fantasy, TV Movie
Director: Mel Damski
Actors: Brooke Nevin, Candace Cameron Bure, Claire Rankin, Doug Murray, Gwynyth Walsh, Kyle Buchanan, Meghan Heffern, Oliver Hudson, Raven Stewart, Tom Skerritt
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Crown Media Productions, Hallmark Channel