The Autopsy of Jane Doe
In this chilling horror film, a father-son team of coroners, played by Brian Cox and Emile Hirsch, are tasked with examining the body of an unidentified young woman found at a crime scene. As they delve deeper into the autopsy, they uncover increasingly bizarre and terrifying secrets that defy scientific explanation. Directed by André Øvredal, the movie masterfully blends suspense and supernatural elements, creating an atmosphere of mounting dread. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 16
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: André Øvredal
Actors: Brian Cox, Emile Hirsch, Jane Perry, Mark Phoenix, Mary Duddy, Michael McElhatton, Olwen Catherine Kelly, Ophelia Lovibond, Parker Sawyers
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: 42, IM Global, Impostor Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $6,170,043