Set against the backdrop of a remote Turkish forest, this film explores the intersecting lives of two solitary individuals seeking refuge from their pasts. Seher, a young woman working at a bus station, and Nihat, a reclusive fire warden, find their paths crossing in unexpected ways. The narrative delves into themes of isolation, redemption, and the human need for connection. Directed by Pelin Esmer, the film is noted for its poignant storytelling and atmospheric cinematography. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Pelin Esmer
Actors: Kadir Çermik, Laçin Ceylan, Mehmet Bozdoğan, Mehmet Mola, Menderes Samancılar, Nilay Erdönmez, Olgun Şimşek, Rıza Akın
Country: France, Germany, Turkey
Company: Arizona Films, Bredok Filmproduction, Sinefilm
Worldwide Gross: $57,187