“Cuffs” is a dynamic and genuine drama that immerses viewers in the thrilling world of front-line policing. The series is energetic and lively, brimming with intense situations and vivid personalities. The narrative unfolds with unexpected and captivating tales, ranging from a suburban home rigged with a cannabis farm to an elderly farmer’s wife wielding a shotgun. Audiences can expect more unusual confrontations, like a dog-napping in a middle-class neighborhood or brawls between senior citizens, alongside the routine challenges of dealing with speeding motorists, shoplifters in the city center, and Saturday night revelers.
Views: 3
Director: Julie Gearey
Studio: Tiger Aspect, Tiger Aspect Productions
Creators: Anthony Philipson, Joe Barton, Julie Gearey, Kieron Hawkes
TV Status: Canceled
1hRelease: 2015
IMDb: 7.3
TMDb: 7.0
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: BBC One
Starring: Alex Carter, Amanda Abbington, Ashley Walters, Bhavna Limbachia, Eleanor Matsuura, Jacob Ifan, Karen Bryson, Paul Ready, Peter Sullivan, Shaun Dooley