Ladies of London
In the glamorous and class-driven city of London, this documentary series explores the lives of a group of British aristocrats and American expatriates who mingle in the same social circles yet remain distinctly different. The series captures their experiences, from weekend retreats in the picturesque English countryside to enjoying high tea at London’s prestigious polo clubs. Both groups navigate the city’s rigid, unspoken social codes, where maintaining one’s reputation is paramount. Despite their immense wealth, in London’s elite society, lineage holds more sway than money, and earning respect is a challenging endeavor.
TV Status: Canceled
1hRelease: 2014
IMDb: 6
TMDb: 5.1
Country: United States of America
Networks: Bravo
Starring: Caroline Fleming, Caroline Stanbury, Julie Montagu, Juliet Angus, Marissa Hermer, Sophie Stanbury