Every Witch Way
The show centers on 14-year-old Emma Alonso, who relocates to Miami, leading to a dramatic shift in her life. She uncovers her identity as a witch and develops feelings for her neighbor, Daniel. However, complications arise as Daniel’s former girlfriend, Maddie, an ‘evil witch’ and the head of the school’s ‘Panthers’ clique, is determined to win him back.
Views: 3
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Director: Catharina Ledeboer, Mariela Romero
Studio: Nickelodeon Productions
Creators: Catharina Ledeboer, Clayton Boen, Leonardo Galavis, Sergio Jablon
TV Status: Ended
30minRelease: 2014
IMDb: 5.1
TMDb: 8.1
Country: United States of America
Networks: Nickelodeon
Starring: Autumn Wendel, Daniela Nieves, Denisea Wilson, Louis Tomeo, Nick Merico, Paola Andino, Paris Smith, Rahart Adams, Tyler Alvarez, Zoey Burger