Personal Effects
In this 2009 drama, a young man, played by Ashton Kutcher, grapples with the aftermath of his sister’s murder while forming an unexpected bond with a grieving widow, portrayed by Michelle Pfeiffer. The film explores themes of loss, healing, and the search for justice, set against the backdrop of a small town. Directed by David Hollander, the movie delves into the emotional complexities of its characters, offering a poignant look at how tragedy can bring people together. While it did not receive any major awards, the performances of the lead actors are noteworthy. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: David Hollander
Actors: Aleks Paunovic, Ashton Kutcher, Brian Markinson, David James Lewis, David Lewis, John Mann, Kathy Bates, Michelle Pfeiffer, Rob LaBelle, Sarah Lind, Spencer Hudson
Country: Canada, Germany, United States of America
Company: Insight Film Studios, TADORA Filmproduktions, Three Rivers Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $471,645