Our Cartoon President
This animated comedy offers a humorous exploration of the Trump presidency. Featuring cartoon versions of Donald Trump and his lively group of insiders and family, the show delivers a satirical take on their escapades. The narrative unfolds from the perspective of a fictional documentary team, capturing the “almost true” adventures of Trump and his entourage.
Views: 1
Director: Chris Licht, Matt Lappin, R.J. Fried, Stephen Colbert, Tim Luecke
Studio: CBS Studios
Creators: Matt Lappin, R.J. Fried, Stephen Colbert
TV Status: Ended
26minRelease: 2018
IMDb: 5.5
TMDb: 5.4
Rotten Tomatoes: 65%
Country: United States of America
Networks: Showtime
Starring: Cody Lindquist, Emily Lynne, Gabriel Gundacker, Jeff Bergman, John Viener