Shooting Dogs
Set against the harrowing backdrop of the Rwandan Genocide, this film follows the experiences of a British teacher, played by John Hurt, and a young idealistic volunteer, portrayed by Hugh Dancy, as they seek refuge in a school compound. The narrative delves into the moral complexities and human struggles faced by those caught in the conflict, highlighting the international community’s response. Directed by Michael Caton-Jones, the film is noted for its poignant storytelling and powerful performances. While it did not receive major awards, it is recognized for its authentic portrayal of real events. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Michael Caton-Jones
Actors: Clare-Hope Ashitey, David Gyasi, Dominique Horwitz, Hugh Dancy, John Hurt, Nicola Walker, Steve Toussaint, Susan Nalwoga, Victor Power
Country: Germany, United Kingdom
Company: ARTE, BBC Film, BBC Films, CrossDay Productions Ltd.
Worldwide Gross: $558,588