Sword Master
In this visually stunning martial arts film, a skilled swordsman seeks to leave his violent past behind and live a life of peace. However, his plans are disrupted when he is drawn back into the world of swordplay and intrigue. The movie features impressive performances by stars such as Lin Gengxin and Peter Ho, and is directed by Derek Tung-Sing Yee. Known for its breathtaking choreography and cinematography, this film offers a fresh take on the classic wuxia genre. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Derek Tung-Sing Yee
Actors: Cheng Rang, Hee Ching Paw, Henry Fong, Henry Fong Ping, Jiang Mengjie, Jiang Yiyan, Ku Kuan-Chung, Lin Gengxin, Ma Jingjing, Nina Pau Hei-Ching, Norman Chui, Norman Chui Siu-Keung, Norman Tsui Siu-Keung, Pau Hei-Ching, Peter Ho
Company: Bona Film Group, Film Unlimited Production Company
Worldwide Gross: $14,714,624