Keep the Change
In this heartfelt romantic comedy, the story follows David, a man with autism, as he navigates life and love in New York City. He meets Sarah, a vivacious woman who shares his condition, at a support group, and their relationship blossoms in unexpected ways. The film stars Brandon Polansky and Samantha Elisofon, who deliver authentic performances that bring depth to their characters. Directed by Rachel Israel, the movie has been praised for its genuine portrayal of individuals on the autism spectrum. It can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Rachel Israel
Actors: Brandon Polansky, Christina Brucato, Jennifer Brito, Jessica Walter, Johnathan Tchaikovsky, Macy Cassera, Nicky Gottlieb, Samantha Elisofon, Sondra James
Country: United States of America
Company: Salem Street Entertainment, Tangerine Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $202,788