Paradise: Hope
In this contemplative film directed by Ulrich Seidl, the narrative follows a young girl named Melanie as she spends her summer at a diet camp for teenagers. The story delves into her experiences and interactions, particularly focusing on her infatuation with the camp’s middle-aged doctor, which explores themes of adolescence, desire, and self-discovery. The film is part of Seidl’s “Paradise” trilogy, known for its raw and unflinching portrayal of human emotions and societal issues. While it did not receive major awards, it was noted for its candid storytelling and compelling performances. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Drama
Director: Ulrich Seidl
Actors: Johanna Schmid, Joseph Lorenz, Maria Hofstätter, Melanie Lenz, Michael Thomas, Verena Lehbauer, Vivian Bartsch
Country: Austria, France, Germany
Company: Coproduction Office, Tatfilm, Ulrich Seidl Film Produktion GmbH
Worldwide Gross: $457,132