Elizabeth I
“Elizabeth I” is a British historical drama miniseries from 2005, directed by Tom Hooper and penned by Nigel Williams. The series stars Helen Mirren as Elizabeth I of England and is divided into two parts, each exploring the final 24 years of her nearly 45-year reign. The first part delves into her later years with the Earl of Leicester, portrayed by Jeremy Irons, while the second part examines her subsequent relationship with the Earl of Essex, played by Hugh Dancy.
Initially, the miniseries was broadcast in the UK on Channel 4 in two two-hour episodes. It was later shown on HBO in the US, CBC and TMN in Canada, ATV in Hong Kong, ABC in Australia, and TVNZ Television One in New Zealand.
The series received critical acclaim, winning Emmy, Peabody, and Golden Globe Awards. In the same year, Helen Mirren also played Queen Elizabeth II in “The Queen,” a role that earned her significant accolades during the award season.
Views: 1
Genre: Drama
Studio: Channel 4 Television, Company Pictures, HBO Films
Creators: Nigel Williams, Tom Hooper
TV Status: Ended
1h 40minRelease: 2005
IMDb: 7.9
TMDb: 7.165
Rotten Tomatoes: 80%
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: Channel 4
Starring: Ben Pullen, Charlotte Asprey, Diana Kent, Douglas Reith, Geoffrey Streatfeild, Helen Mirren, Hugh Dancy, Jeremy Irons, Martin Savage, Simon Woods