Homicide Hunter: Lt Joe Kenda
This non-fiction investigative series delves into murder cases from the perspective of retired detective Lieutenant Joe Kenda. The show uses re-enactments, conversations with investigative teams, and interviews with victims’ families and other key individuals to showcase Kenda’s impressive track record, having solved 92 percent of his 400 homicide cases.
Views: 3
Genre: Crime, Documentary
Director: Joe Kenda
Studio: ITV Studios, Jupiter Entertainment
Creators: Gregory Kohn, Jeffrey Woods, Mary Boylan, Nicole Cattell
TV Status: Ended
43minRelease: 2011
IMDb: 8.7
TMDb: 8.9
Country: United States of America
Networks: Investigation Discovery
Starring: Carl Marino, Ethan Levy, Joe Kenda, Josh Casaubon