Most Haunted
Most Haunted is a British documentary-style reality TV series that delves into paranormal mysteries. The show, which aired from May 25, 2002, to July 21, 2010, was hosted by Yvette Fielding. It explored alleged supernatural occurrences at various sites across the UK, Ireland, and beyond. Produced by Antix Productions, the series was available on satellite and cable networks such as Living TV, Livingit, and Channel One. In the U.S., it was shown on the Travel Channel.
Views: 2
Genre: Documentary, Mystery, Reality
Director: Karl Beattie, Yvette Fielding
Creators: Gary Brooks, Karl Beattie
TV Status: Canceled
1hRelease: 2002
IMDb: 5
TMDb: 5.9
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: Sky Living