This Is Martin Bonner
In this contemplative drama, the narrative follows Martin Bonner, a man in his late 50s who relocates to Reno, Nevada, to start anew after a personal and professional upheaval. As he navigates his new life, he forms an unexpected friendship with Travis Holloway, a recently released prisoner trying to reintegrate into society. The film, directed by Chad Hartigan, is noted for its subtle storytelling and strong performances, particularly by Paul Eenhoorn and Richmond Arquette. It won the John Cassavetes Award at the 2014 Independent Spirit Awards, highlighting its impact in the independent film circuit. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Drama
Director: Chad Hartigan
Actors: Allie Braun, Demetrius Grosse, Jan Haley, Kristin Slaysman, Moira Price, Paul Eenhoorn, Richmond Arquette, Robert Longstreet, Sam Buchanan, Tom Plunkett
Country: United States of America
Company: 600 West Productions
Worldwide Gross: $13,888