Marvel One-Shot: All Hail the King
In this Marvel One-Shot, the story follows Trevor Slattery, portrayed by Ben Kingsley, as he navigates life in prison after the events of Iron Man 3. The short film delves into the consequences of his impersonation of the Mandarin, revealing unexpected twists and connections to the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe. Directed by Drew Pearce, this installment offers a unique blend of humor and intrigue, further expanding the lore of the franchise. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Short
Director: Drew Pearce
Actors: Allen Maldonado, Ben Kingsley, Billy Choi, Crystal the Monkey, Cuete Yeska, Joey Abril, Lester Speight, Matt Gerald, Sam Rockwell, Scoot McNairy
Country: United States of America
Company: Marvel Entertainment