Il Futuro
In this 2013 film directed by Alicia Scherson, the story follows two orphaned siblings, Bianca and Tomas, as they navigate life in Rome after the sudden death of their parents. The plot thickens when they become involved with a former Mr. Universe, played by Rutger Hauer, in a scheme that challenges their morals and future. The film is an adaptation of a novel by Roberto Bolaño, adding a literary depth to its narrative. While it hasn’t garnered major awards, its unique storyline and performances have been noted by critics. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Alicia Scherson
Actors: Alessandro Giallocosta, Brando Taccini, Daniela Piperno, Luigi Ciardo, Manuela Martelli, Nicolas Vaporidis, Patricia Rivadeneira, Pino Calabrese, Rutger Hauer, Sara Manni
Country: Chile, Germany, Italy, Spain
Company: Jirafa, Movimento Film, Pandora Films
Worldwide Gross: $14,001