In this poignant drama, a 15-year-old girl named Lara, played by Victor Polster, aspires to become a professional ballerina while navigating the challenges of her gender transition. The film, directed by Lukas Dhont, offers a sensitive portrayal of Lara’s journey, capturing the physical and emotional demands of ballet alongside her personal struggles. Notably, the movie received the Camera d’Or award at the Cannes Film Festival, highlighting its impactful storytelling and compelling performances. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Lukas Dhont
Actors: Alice de Broqueville, Arieh Worthalter, Chris Thys, Katelijne Damen, Magali Elali, Nele Hardiman, Oliver Bodart, Tijmen Govaerts, Valentijn Dhaenens, Victor Polster
Country: Belgium, Netherlands
Company: Frakas Productions, Menuet bvba, Topkapi Films
Worldwide Gross: $4,179,737