Tom Fiorini, portrayed by Anthony Michael Hall from “The Dead Zone,” is the owner of a thriving construction business. When his long-time foreman mysteriously disappears, things take a dramatic and dangerous turn. As Tom embarks on a quest to find his missing foreman, he becomes entangled in a perilous world of violence and hired assassins, discovering that the situation is far more perilous than he ever anticipated. Under the direction of Thomas Farone, known for “Nate Dogg,” the film masterfully delivers a haunting and emotional narrative, featuring deeply nuanced performances from its award-winning cast. Notably, it includes a powerful final performance by the late Chris Penn. “Aftermath” stands out as a highlight of Cinequest 23, offering a sophisticated noir crime thriller that will leave audiences engaged and discussing it long after the credits roll.
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Director: Thomas Farone
Actors: Anthony Michael Hall, Clark Middleton, Elisabeth Röhm, Federico Castelluccio, Frank Whaley, Jamie Harrold, Lily Rabe, Tony Danza
Country: United States of America
Company: Dolger Films, Ronin Films LLC
Worldwide Gross: $3,451