Small Time Crooks
In this comedic caper, a group of inept criminals, led by Ray, played by Woody Allen, hatch a plan to rob a bank by tunneling from a nearby storefront. However, their scheme takes an unexpected turn when the storefront, run by Ray’s wife Frenchy, portrayed by Tracey Ullman, becomes a wildly successful cookie business. The film explores themes of ambition and the unpredictability of fortune, with a supporting cast that includes Hugh Grant and Elaine May. Directed by Woody Allen, this film showcases his signature blend of humor and irony. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Woody Allen
Actors: Brian Markinson, Elaine May, Hugh Grant, Jon Lovitz, Lawrence Howard Levy, Michael Rapaport, Sam Josepher, Tony Darrow, Tracey Ullman, Woody Allen
Country: United States of America
Company: DreamWorks Pictures, Magnolia Productions, Sweetland Films
Worldwide Gross: $29,934,477