Barry Munday
Barry Munday, directed by Chris D’Arienzo, is a quirky comedy that follows the life of a man who wakes up in a hospital to discover he’s missing his most prized possessions. Starring Patrick Wilson and Judy Greer, the film explores themes of unexpected responsibility and personal growth as the protagonist navigates a surprising paternity claim. The movie is noted for its offbeat humor and engaging performances. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Chris D'Arienzo
Actors: Billy Dee Williams, Carmen Electra, Chloë Sevigny, Colin Hanks, Cybill Shepherd, Jean Smart, Judy Greer, Malcolm McDowell, Missi Pyle, Patrick Wilson
Country: United States of America
Company: Corner Store Entertainment, Far Hills Pictures, Stick 'N' Stone Productions