Kevin Roche: The Quiet Architect
“Kevin Roche: The Quiet Architect” is a documentary film that delves into the significant architectural themes explored throughout the 70-year career of Kevin Roche, an Irish-American architect and recipient of the Pritzker Prize. The film examines the dynamic between architects and the communities they serve. At 94, Roche remains an intriguing figure, uninterested in fame, who continues to work and focus on the future, defying the typical expectations of retirement. His architectural philosophy centers on the idea that modern architects have a duty to build communities suited for contemporary society, emphasizing the integration of nature into the spaces people occupy for their well-being. This philosophy is evident in renowned structures like the Ford Foundation, the Oakland Museum, and New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, where Roche served as the principal architect for over four decades.
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Genre: Biography, Documentary
Director: Mark Noonan
Country: France, Ireland, Spain, United States of America
Company: Still Films, Wavelength Pictures