Extracurricular Activities
This dark comedy presents a unique narrative centered around Reagan Collins, an exemplary high school student with a deadly side gig orchestrating “accidents.” When the parents of his peers become excessively controlling, narcissistic, or simply troublesome, Reagan steps in to eliminate them—for a fee. However, as experienced detective Cliff Dawkins begins to connect the dots, a clever game of cat and mouse ensues. Reagan must maintain his thriving enterprise while the increasing number of casualties draws Cliff nearer to uncovering the truth. This daring comedy features performances by Danielle Macdonald (Dumplin’) and Ellie Bamber (Nocturnal Animals).
Views: 4
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Romance, Thriller
Director: Jay Lowi
Actors: Angela Kinsey, Colin Ford, Danielle Macdonald, Darlene Vogel, Ellie Bamber, John Posey, Patrick Fabian, Paul Iacono, Timothy Simons, Vicki Lewis
Country: United States of America
Company: Free Chicken Films