Terrified at 17
Following her father’s sudden death from a heart attack, Julie Price (played by Kayla Wallace) returns home after a two-year estrangement from her mother, Gail (portrayed by Lindsay Hartley). However, Gail is behaving unusually, seemingly under the influence of Warren (Jefferson Brown), a cunning criminal who has become her boyfriend. Warren is scheming to seize a large sum of money left by Gail’s deceased husband. As Julie delves into the reasons behind her mother’s odd behavior, she uncovers the truth about Warren, leading to a dangerous game of cat and mouse. Warren is determined to secure his financial windfall at any cost. Julie must rescue her mother not only from Warren’s clutches but also from her own fractured personalities, ensuring she receives the necessary help. “My Mother’s Split Personalities” is a production of Reel One Entertainment.
Director: Curtis Crawford
Actors: Benjamin Eli, Jefferson Brown, Jordana Lajoie, Kayla Wallace, Lindsay Hartley, Rachelle Casseus, Richard Nash, Samantha Michelle, Sarah Kryszak, Sean Tucker
Country: Canada
Company: NB Thrilling Films 2, Reel One Films 4