Set against the backdrop of Estonia’s tumultuous history, this gripping drama weaves together the lives of two women from different generations, exploring themes of survival, betrayal, and redemption. The film, directed by Antti J. Jokinen, features powerful performances by stars such as Laura Birn and Liisi Tandefelt. It delves into the dark secrets of the past, revealing the impact of political oppression and personal choices. While it hasn’t garnered major awards, the movie’s intense narrative and strong character portrayals have been widely recognized. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Antti J. Jokinen
Actors: Amanda Pilke, Kaisa Kaljusaar, Krista Kosonen, Kristjan Sarv, Laura Birn, Laura Kiis, Liisi Tandefelt, Peter Franzén, Sonja Nüganen, Tommi Korpela
Company: Solar Films, Taska Film
Worldwide Gross: $2,451,380