Mizuki Aonuma, a new student played by Rina Sakuragi, faces relentless bullying from her classmate Aya, portrayed by Eriko Nakamura, and others. Despite this, Mizuki remains remarkably composed. Kirie, played by Maika Shimamura, who is also a victim of bullying and has a passive nature, becomes fascinated by Mizuki and yearns to be like her. The two form a close bond. Along with a boy named Shibanai, played by Syun Asada, Mizuki and Kirie decide to confront their bullies. However, Mizuki suffers a severe beating at the hands of Aya, while Kirie and Shibanai are subjected to brutal violence by their teachers. Determined to seek vengeance, Mizuki roams the streets at night. During this time, she becomes possessed by the spirit of a toxic flower, unleashing the flower spirit’s madness.
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Director: Hisayasu Satô
Actors: Daisuke Iijima, Eriko Nakamura, Kei Fujiwara, Kôichi Imaizumi, Maika Shimamura, Rina Sakuragi, Shun Asada, Taro Suwa, Tei Tomari, Tomori Abe
Country: Japan
Company: Shibuya Productions