Magic Piano
In this 3-D puppet animation adventure, two children from Warsaw, Poland, stumble upon an old piano hidden among a heap of discarded items, which magically transforms into a flying machine. The youngsters, Anna and her cousin Chip Chip, embark on a journey across Europe using this enchanted contraption to locate Anna’s father in London. Before they can set off, they must first master the art of piloting the magical machine. Along their journey, they navigate a series of challenges, including dodging hot air balloons, making a daring stop in Paris, enduring a violent storm over the English Channel, and racing against the setting sun to find Anna’s father in the sprawling, darkening city of London. Just before reaching him, a magical storm sweeps them away from the flying machine, returning them to the junk pile in Warsaw. However, it seems Anna’s father might have glimpsed something in the stormy London skies, as he returns home to his daughter the following day.
Views: 4
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Family, Short
Director: Martin Clapp
Country: China, Norway, Poland
Company: Breakthru Films, SMB Investments