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Set against the backdrop of a bustling city during the festive season, this heartwarming Polish film weaves together multiple storylines, each exploring themes of love, family, and unexpected connections. The ensemble cast, featuring popular Polish actors such as Maciej Stuhr and Roma Gąsiorowska, brings to life a series of intertwined tales that unfold on Christmas Eve. Directed by Mitja Okorn, the film captures the magic and chaos of the holiday season with humor and warmth. While it did not receive major international awards, it has become a beloved holiday classic in Poland. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Director: Mitja Okorn
Actors: Agnieszka Dygant, Agnieszka Wagner, Beata Tyszkiewicz, Katarzyna Zielińska, Maciej Stuhr, Paweł Małaszyński, Piotr Adamczyk, Roma Gąsiorowska, Tomasz Karolak, Wojciech Malajkat
Country: Poland
Company: TVN
Worldwide Gross: $26,923,513