Set in the mid-1980s, this poignant drama follows Adrian, a young man returning to his conservative Texas hometown for Christmas after several years away. As he reconnects with his family, including his younger brother and religious parents, Adrian struggles with revealing the truth about his life in New York City. The film, directed by Yen Tan, is noted for its black-and-white cinematography and features standout performances from Cory Michael Smith, Virginia Madsen, and Michael Chiklis. It was well-received for its sensitive portrayal of complex family dynamics and the era’s social issues. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Yen Tan
Actors: Aidan Langford, Bill Heck, Bryan Massey, Cory Michael Smith, Jamie Chung, Michael Chiklis, Michael Darby, Ryan Piers Williams, Tina Parker, Virginia Madsen
Country: United States of America
Company: Floren Shieh Productions, MuseLessMime Productions, RainMaker Films
Worldwide Gross: $25,013