In this Australian comedy-drama directed by David Caesar, the story follows Eddie, a former professional footballer who returns to his small coastal hometown after a failed career. As he attempts to reconnect with his family and friends, Eddie finds himself entangled in the quirky dynamics of the town and its residents. The film features performances by Ben Mendelsohn and Susie Porter, adding depth to the narrative with their engaging portrayals. While the movie did not receive any major awards, it offers a unique glimpse into the challenges of starting over and finding one’s place in a familiar yet changed environment. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: David Caesar
Actors: Andrew S. Gilbert, Belinda McClory, Ben Mendelsohn, Kris McQuade, Nash Edgerton, Paul Kelman, Peta Brady, Steve Le Marquand, Susie Porter, Tony Barry, Wayne Blair
Country: Australia
Company: Porchlight Films, Screen Australia, Screen New South Wales, Screen NSW
Worldwide Gross: $466,648