Nuclear Family
“Nuclear Family” unfolds the tale of John and Lynn, a couple striving to endure in the wilderness following what seems to be a nuclear catastrophe. Accompanied by their 11-year-old daughter, Pauline, they are constantly on the move, desperately searching for their missing 8-year-old son, Grant. In the meantime, society has collapsed, and the family must remain vigilant to evade the Berserkers—savage, lawless men who live by a creed of violence and destruction. Originally filmed as a pilot for a television series, the narrative follows this family and the individuals they encounter on their quest to find Grant and steer clear of the Berserkers, leading them to revelations beyond their current reality. Written by Clay Keeley, Executive Producer.
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Genre: Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Kyle Rankin
Actors: Cindy Vela, Corin Nemec, Danielle Harris, Jennifer Blanc, Kinsey Packard, Lee Arenberg, Parker Croft, Pauline Cohn, Ray Wise, Sharon Lawrence
Country: United States of America
Company: Cocksure Entertainment