Rambabu, portrayed by Venkatesh, is a self-reliant individual working as a cable operator in a quaint village close to Vijayanagaram. He lives with his wife, Meena, and their two daughters. During a nature camp, an intrusive young man secretly takes inappropriate photos of his elder daughter. When he attempts to extort the daughter and her mother, a tragic accident leads to his death at their hands. Upon discovering the situation, Rambabu promises to protect his family from the threat of imprisonment. The remainder of the story follows his strategic efforts to devise and implement a plan to safeguard his loved ones.
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Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Sripriya
Actors: Chaitanya Krishna, Esther Anil, Kruthika Jayakumar, Meena, Nadhiya, Naresh, Ravi Kale, Roshan Basheer, Venkatesh, Venkateswara Rao Paruchuri, Vijaykrishna Naresh
Country: India
Company: Rajkumar Theaters Private Limited, Suresh Productions, Wide Angle Creations
Worldwide Gross: $200,000,000