Love at the Thanksgiving Day Parade
In this charming holiday romance, the story unfolds around Emily Jones, a passionate parade coordinator, and Henry Williams, a business consultant brought in to modernize the event. As they clash over their differing visions for the Thanksgiving Day Parade, their initial animosity gradually gives way to unexpected feelings. The film stars Autumn Reeser and Antonio Cupo, whose chemistry brings warmth to this festive tale. Directed by Ron Oliver, the movie captures the spirit of the holiday season with a delightful blend of humor and heart. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Drama, Romance, TV Movie
Director: Ron Oliver
Actors: Ali Liebert, Alvin Sanders, Antonio Cupo, April Telek, Autumn Reeser, Barbara Kottmeier, Ben Cotton, Callum Seagram Airlie, David Hovan, Denalda Williams, Richard Ian Cox
Country: United States of America
Company: Hallmark Channel, LaCanada, Pitchblack Pictures