A military mission in Siberia goes awry, threatening the survival of humanity. Inanna, the Sumerian goddess of desire and conflict, has been inadvertently released from her ancient confinement and has called forth a massive meteor to annihilate the Earth. Meanwhile, a Communist coup has toppled the government, leaving the global population indoctrinated. In this dire moment, Gilgamesh, an ancient being predating the universe, must choose whether to become humanity’s last hope. Concurrently, Inanna has chosen David Murphy, a married archaeologist, to spend eternity with her. Both Gilgamesh and Inanna are soon identified by the new regime as potential catastrophic threats, signaling the onset of the apocalypse.
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Director: Richard Chandler
Actors: Emily Coleman, Joshua Davis, Lilith Astaroth, Melantha Blackthorne, Oselito Joseph, Peter Morse, Richard Chandler
Country: United States of America
Company: Boston Film Family