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A gripping tale of addiction and the struggle to conquer it unfolds in this film, adapted from Jerzy Plich’s acclaimed novel “The Mighty Angel” (also known as “The Strong Angel Inn”). The story follows Jerzy, portrayed by Robert Więckiewicz, a writer battling alcoholism. At a pivotal moment, he convinces himself that he can overcome his dependency. His life takes a hopeful turn when he falls for a young woman, played by Julia Kijowska, giving him a newfound purpose. However, his resolve is soon tested as he succumbs once more to his addiction.
Genre: Drama
Director: Wojciech Smarzowski
Actors: Andrzej Grabowski, Arkadiusz Jakubik, Iwona Bielska, Iwona Wszołkówna, Jacek Braciak, Julia Kijowska, Kinga Preis, Marcin Dorociński, Marcin Juchniewicz, Marian Dziędziel, Mia Goti, Monika Dorota, Robert Więckiewicz
Company: Fundacja EDM+, HBO Europe, Kino Swiat
Worldwide Gross: $5,235,397