The Gaelic King
Set in the dark ages of Scotland, this film follows the journey of a young warrior named Alpin, played by Jake McGarry, who is thrust into a battle against a mysterious and supernatural force threatening his kingdom. As Alpin seeks to reclaim his birthright and protect his people, he encounters a series of challenges that test his courage and leadership. Directed by Philip Todd, the movie combines elements of fantasy and historical drama, offering a unique take on ancient Scottish folklore. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, it stands out for its ambitious storytelling and atmospheric setting. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, History
Director: Philip Todd
Actors: Alan Cuthbert, Ellie Reid, Eve Wengel, Fiona Stewart, Jake McGarry, Kerry Browne, Laurence Whitley, Noah Irvine, Peter Cosgrove, Shona Melrose
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Fellowship Film, Truffle Pictures