In this heartfelt drama directed by Simon Hunter, Sheila Hancock stars as an elderly woman who embarks on a journey to fulfill a lifelong dream of climbing a mountain in Scotland. The film explores themes of resilience, self-discovery, and the pursuit of personal freedom, as the protagonist defies societal expectations and her own limitations. With stunning cinematography capturing the breathtaking landscapes, the movie offers a poignant reflection on aging and adventure. While it hasn’t received major awards, it has been praised for Hancock’s compelling performance. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Simon Hunter
Actors: Amy Manson, Christopher Dunne, Daniela Bräuer, Donald Pelmear, Kevin Guthrie, Paul Brannigan, Rachael Keiller, Sheila Hancock, Tori Butler-Hart, Wendy Morgan
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Cape Wrath Films
Worldwide Gross: $3,109,406