The Jungle Bunch
In this animated adventure, a group of misfit animals bands together to protect their jungle home from a villainous koala and his army of baboons. The team, led by a penguin who believes he’s a tiger, showcases a blend of humor and action as they embark on their mission. Directed by David Alaux, the film features vibrant animation and a quirky cast of characters. While it may not have garnered major awards, it offers family-friendly entertainment and can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 7
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family
Director: David Alaux, Eric Tosti, Jean-François Tosti
Actors: Alain Dorval, Céline Monsarrat, Emmanuel Curtil, Frantz Confiac, Laurent Morteau, Maik Darah, Pascal Casanova, Paul Borne, Philippe Bozo, Richard Darbois
Country: France
Company: Master Films, TAT Productions, Vanilla Seed
Worldwide Gross: $12,428,981