The Place
In this intriguing Italian drama, a mysterious man sits at a diner, granting the deepest desires of those who seek him out, but at a significant moral cost. The film explores the complexities of human nature and the lengths people will go to achieve their dreams. Directed by Paolo Genovese, known for his work on “Perfect Strangers,” the movie features a talented ensemble cast, including Valerio Mastandrea and Marco Giallini. While it hasn’t received major awards, its thought-provoking narrative has garnered attention. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Paolo Genovese
Actors: Alba Rohrwacher, Alessandro Borghi, Marco Giallini, Rocco Papaleo, Sabrina Ferilli, Silvia D'Amico, Silvio Muccino, Valerio Mastandrea, Vinicio Marchioni, Vittoria Puccini
Country: Italy
Company: Leone Film Group, Lotus Production, Medusa Film
Worldwide Gross: $5,784,397