“Rows” is a psychological thriller with a Gothic fantasy twist, drawing inspiration from Grimm’s fairy tales. The story follows Rose, a young woman who is sent by her father, a property developer, to serve an eviction notice to a mysterious woman living in a dilapidated farmhouse. This woman possesses unusual powers linked to the house itself. She casts a spell on Rose and her friend Greta, causing them to become trapped in an endless cornfield. To break free, they must navigate a series of bizarre and frightening events to unravel the mystery. As Rose’s father becomes entangled in the situation, the bond between him and Rose is put to the test. The narrative unfolds with unexpected twists, culminating in a chilling conclusion.
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Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Mystery
Director: David W. Warfield
Actors: Hannah Schick, Joe Basile, Kenneth Hughes, Lauren Lakis, Nancy Murray
Country: United States of America
Company: Rows