A late-night train journey through the English countryside takes a terrifying turn when the passengers find themselves under siege by a mysterious creature. As the train grinds to a halt in a remote forest, the group must band together to survive the night against the lurking menace. Directed by Paul Hyett, the film features standout performances from Ed Speleers and Holly Weston. This tense horror thriller explores themes of survival and human nature under duress. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 1
Genre: Action, Fantasy, Horror
Director: Paul Hyett
Actors: Amit Shah, Brett Goldstein, Calvin A. Dean, Ed Speleers, Elliot Cowan, Holly Weston, Rosie Day, Ryan Oliva, Sam Gittins, Shauna Macdonald
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Starchild Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $477,656