Harry Price: Ghost Hunter
Set in post-World War I London, this film follows the intriguing journey of a renowned psychic researcher as he investigates the mysterious case of a politician’s wife who is believed to be haunted. The narrative delves into themes of skepticism and belief, as the protagonist, played by Rafe Spall, navigates the fine line between the supernatural and the psychological. The film is directed by Alex Pillai and features a strong supporting cast, including Cara Theobold and Richie Campbell. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, it offers an engaging exploration of early 20th-century spiritualism. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Alex Pillai
Actors: Cara Theobold, David Burke, Josh Bolt, Lewis Reeves, Paul Bigley, Rafe Spall, Richie Campbell, Sophie Stanton, Tom Ward, Zoe Boyle
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Bentley Productions