Set in 1920s France, this film follows the life of a wealthy woman who dreams of becoming an opera singer, despite her lack of talent. Her passion for music and her obliviousness to her own limitations create a poignant and sometimes humorous exploration of ambition and self-deception. The film stars Catherine Frot, whose performance earned her the César Award for Best Actress. Directed by Xavier Giannoli, the movie offers a rich period setting and a compelling narrative. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Xavier Giannoli
Actors: André Marcon, Astrid Whettnall, Aubert Fenoy, Catherine Frot, Christa Théret, Denis Mpunga, Michel Fau, Sophia Leboutte, Sylvain Dieuaide, Théo Cholbi
Country: Belgium, Czech Republic, France
Company: Fidélité Films, France 3 Cinéma, Gabriel
Worldwide Gross: $8,754,356