A Nightingale Falling
Set against the backdrop of the Irish War of Independence, this film follows the lives of two sisters, May and Tilly Collingwood, as they navigate the complexities of love, loyalty, and survival. When a wounded soldier unexpectedly arrives at their doorstep, the sisters’ lives are thrown into turmoil, testing their bonds and challenging their beliefs. The film stars Tara Breathnach and Muireann Bird, delivering compelling performances that capture the emotional depth of the era. Directed by Garret Daly, the movie offers a poignant exploration of personal and political conflict. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Garret Daly, Martina McGlynn
Actors: Andy Kellegher, Brian Fortune, Elliot Moriarty, Gerard McCarthy, Mark Tankersley, Michael James Ford, Muireann Bird, Rosemary Henderson, Tara Breathnach
Country: Ireland
Company: Mixed Bag Media