After The Ball
In this modern-day fairy tale, a young aspiring fashion designer, played by Portia Doubleday, finds herself working for her father’s struggling clothing company. As she navigates the challenges posed by her conniving stepmother and stepsisters, she must disguise herself to save the family business and prove her talent. The film features Chris Noth and Lauren Holly in supporting roles, adding depth to the ensemble cast. Directed by Sean Garrity, this charming comedy offers a fresh twist on the classic Cinderella story. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy
Director: Sean Garrity
Actors: Anna Hopkins, Carlo Rota, Chris Noth, Colin Mochrie, Lauren Holly, Lola Tash, Marc-André Grondin, Mimi Kuzyk, Natalie Krill, Portia Doubleday
Country: Canada
Company: Myriad Pictures, Pacific Northwest Pictures, TVA Films
Worldwide Gross: $234,417