The Returned
In a world where a devastating virus has turned a portion of the population into zombies, a medical breakthrough allows the infected to live normal lives with the help of a daily injection. The story follows a couple, Kate and Alex, as they navigate the societal tensions and personal challenges that arise from this fragile coexistence. Starring Emily Hampshire and Kris Holden-Ried, the film explores themes of fear, prejudice, and the struggle for acceptance. Directed by Manuel Carballo, this thought-provoking narrative delves into the moral complexities of a society on the brink of collapse. The movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Crime, Drama, Horror, Thriller
Director: Manuel Carballo
Actors: Barry Flatman, Claudia Bassols, David Tompa, Emily Hampshire, Josh Pattynama, Kristen Holden-Ried, Melina Matthews, Oluniké Adeliyi, Shawn Doyle, Steven Gallagher
Company: Castelao Pictures, Ramaco Media I, Somnium Films
Worldwide Gross: $612,521