Saving Mother Robot
In late December 2012, Taipei experiences an unusual winter heatwave, with temperatures soaring into the 30s. Eight-year-old Tiger (Antoine) resides with his 36-year-old mother, Cao Yi (Vivian Hsu), who is divorced and facing financial difficulties due to her job as a magazine editor and decreased alimony from her former husband (Tang Kuo-chung). Tiger, possessing a vivid imagination, perceives his mother as a worn-out robot in need of an upgrade. He struggles academically, causing concern for his art teacher (Mini Yang) with the somber drawings he creates during class.
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Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family, Fantasy
Director: Chia-Lin Chu
Actors: A Duan, Eric Tsang, Eric Tsang Chi-Wai, Huang Xiaoming, Tang Kuo-chung, Vivian Hsu
Country: Taiwan
Company: Film Kid Films, Vision Film Workshop Company